602/100 Hickory Ridge Dr. Greensboro, NC 27409
If you want to know how we describe Pollo Pizza Pasta, it is a mom-and-pop Italian-style restaurant. We offer hand-tossed pizza, stromboli, calzone, cheese steaks, and other homemade dishes. We also serve spaghetti with meatballs, fettuccine chicken alfredo, chicken parmigiana, lasagna, and ravioli. In addition, we offer our customers an astonishing and unforgettable rotisserie chicken seasoned and cooked in the oldest, healthiest, and most delicious way. We serve the chicken with your choice of pasta and salad or a vegetable of your choosing. We also offer chicken in our signature rotisserie sub, rotisserie salad,
rotisserie chicken over rice, rotisserie chicken pizza, and rotisserie chicken over spaghetti.